Ziggy seems to be holding her own. Instead of feeding her twice a day, been giving her small meals throughout the day. Still pinning hopes on the CBD oil arriving soon enough to be of use to her. I gave her a catnip leaf, and she enjoyed it. Got her to eat a bit more, and she's resting comfortably now on two heated wheat bags.
Keito: he's had his course of antibiotics. His eating is still hit and miss, meaning sometimes we have to follow him and put the dish of food in front of him to make him eat. Have scheduled an appointment for him to have a glucose curve test, 7am tomorrow morning.
I know pets are ephemeral, and live faster than we humans, but having two ill, one with a terminal illness, at the same time, is breaking my heart. I feel so helpless.
I've been getting intermittent shooting pains down the back of my thigh. Seeing as I had a spinal fusion, it's not sciatica. Could be that I missed a few doses of my dystonia meds, and stress has been on the high side the past few weeks. *sigh*