And I know I shouldn't expect it any other way, but I miss Ziggy.
She was so much a part of my day, and daily routine. She would climb up onto the arm of my chair, and from behind, tap me on the should when she wanted something. I would open the window, and she would hop up on the sill to look outside. She also had a special set of meows for "Feed me", "I'm bored, let's play", "Hey, this is in my way!" (when she wanted in the closet) and she would dig at her sofa tent when it wasn't arranged to her liking, or if she wanted her wheat bags heated up.
I was cleaning my office, and my eyes kept getting drawn to the spots she would normally be, and it was like a twist in my guts. I took a toy and put it under the blanket on the sofa, where Ziggy used to sleep. Her 'sofa tent'. It's a mind fake, but at least it stops the hurt for a little while.
I had one rather unfeeling person just say "Get another cat." (and yes, it was unfeeling, as the person went on to say one cat is pretty much like another). I was polite, and said "Thank you, but no thanks."
Non-pet owners don't understand. It's not just losing an animal. It's losing a member of your family. Pardon me while I go cry for a while... again.