For our 19 year old refrigerator. Luckily I noticed it before everything in the freezer thawed. It was the the small turkey I got last weekend that was frozen that kept most of what was in the freezer frozen.
Measured the how wide and deep the now dead fridge was, then headed out to Fridge and Washer City. This time, I was in the market for one with the freezer on the bottom. Armed with measuring tape, and reading labels, I selected on that was exactly what I wanted. I asked if it could be delivered today, as I had insulin and other medications in need of refrigeration (I put them in a small insulated lunch box, with some semi thawed ice packs to keep them cool). Was told it could be, and they would take the old one. Worked for me! Made the credit card temporarily smoke by paying for it.
Alan and I went home, and started offloading what was in the freezer into an 'esky' aka cooler. We packed everything we could around the turkey. Then we went to the fridge. Yuck. The smell of things that went off combined to create a really nasty smell. While we were cleaning that out, the new fridge arrived. We weren't done yet, so we busted out butts getting everything out, sorted, packed or tossed.
Talk about an intense 30 minute work out! I am sore... Tramadol sore. This is the first time in months I have needed the prescription pain meds.
Wing said he would cook tonight. Gawd, I Love that man. He's also bringing home some 3M sticky tabs so we can re-hang the cooking utensils on the side of the fridge.
Did I mention I was sore? Oh yeah, I did.
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