Once the defense went from "he didn't do it!" to "Ok so he did it but it's not illegal for *him*", and there wasn't a peep of outrage over that from a single soul on the republican side (do they even have souls?) I realized the damage that's occurred in this country is 100x greater than I ever thought.
Then they changed the defense to "He did it, but it's not illegal because he has determined it to be in the best interests of the nation and national security to ensure he is re-elected at any and all costs." Not a peep.
Then they flat out said, "just because he did it and it's impeachable, doesn't mean it's in the nation's best interests to impeach him." and that's it. That's the moment when I completely lost my shit.
They're saying yes he did it, but that doesn't matter because we don't care. Yes, he did it, but it doesn't matter because he's the President and therefore above the law. Yes, he did it, but corruption and unethical behavior are acceptable if it gets you re-elected. Yes, he did it, but it's the President's right to obstruct and disregard Congress.
They've undermined their own authority, negated the checks and balances in the system, and given him license to be a dictator, and there is literally nothing that can be done about it. If we thought he was terrible before, wait til we see what's coming, now that he knows he can't be touched.
When the Founders set up our system, they gave us impeachment as an option in case a particular president or other elected official needed to be removed. They never anticipated that the corruption could become so widespread that the very body charged with carrying out justice against the president would be working entirely in collaboration with him to carry out that corruption. This is the ultimate failure of our system, and unless we re-write all the laws pertaining to this, it can never be fixed.
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