And blogging. I miss web BBS forums. Facebook is a pisspoor substitute.
I have to use two different blog posting software. That in itself isn't a problem, but it's the "not suddenly working" with little (or no) forewarning.
Ok, moving on:
Turns out I don't have plantar fasciitis. I have enthesopathy of the plantar tendon. It's like having a pebble under then skin, between the tendon and bone of the heel. To say it's painful would be an understatement. Physio has found a way to tape the heel and arch of foot and it relieves about 98% of the pain. Problem is, I can't keep my foot taped all the time! ARGH! Might have to see a podiatrist. Dammit, I'm not old enough to need orthotics!
Onto my rant about Twitter (and what followed). It would have been nice to have them send an email, or maybe an ironic SMS, to say they were discontinuing being able to receive SMS notifications. I thought my phone was faulty, went to Telstra to find out why I couldn't send text messages to Twitter, and why my Caller ID was coming up as PRIVATE NUMBER. The girl there couldn't figure it out, and suggested I recontract early, and see if that and a new sim card would fix it. It did not. She told me I should call Tech Support (which I did, but that's a different story which I will add after this) What she didn't tell me was recontracting cancelled my "StayConnected" subscription. I figured out why the Caller ID wasn't working, it was because of Samsung firmware update. It added a new setting I had to untick.
Moving on again, I called Telstra tollfree number, wade through the most annoyingly voiced menus, the type that make you want to grind your teeth to nubs. The first time I tried, I got disconnected. I tried again the following day, made it through all the menus and spoke to "Steve", wonderful support, and when I told him what happened regarding the recontracting, how I wasn't told that it would lead to the cancellation of my StayConnected, he said to go back to that Telstra shop and speak to the manager. I will as it will be well within my rights to have this new contract revoked and go back to my original contract, including my StayConnected.
Loki, big grey Bengal of ours, has been ill, twice in as many weeks. He was throwing up. Took him to the vet, he was given a shot of anti-nausea medication, some take home antibiotics, and bloods drawn for tests. Nothing nefarious in the blood tests, and he stopped barfing.
Then a week later, he started sneezing. Not a lot at first, just a few times. Then a half dozen times a day, then so often I called the vet. Exam and nasal swab taken. Antibiotics (again) and an anti-inflammatory.
After a few days, his nose dried out, but he still sneezed, just not as often, or as hard. As Alan described, "He lifted his head, opened his mouth, his eyes would cross, and then he would sneeze two or three times.".
Call back about the nasal swab results: as yet unidentified bacteria, but it would react/die with the antibiotic he was given. Brought him back in to the vet this morning for a follow up. Sneezing a few times, but not constantly, and also no more nasal discharge. The bacteria was identified, and it's no biggie.
Consensus was that the smoke from the controlled burn off, people using woodstoves, pollen from all the wonderful blossoming trees/flowers, and using the heat triggered his allergies into overdrive.
Other than that, I haven't been bored. This "Self Isolation" and "Social Distancing"... I've been stuck doing it for the past 2 years because of car accident, followed by pneumonia, then seizures, and to top it off more surgery. Who knew my life was called "Quarantine"?
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