Too often, I see people getting caught up in what I call the iPhile loop. Regardless of what the item is, they have the get the NEWEST version, even if the one they have is perfectly serviceable and works. Even to the point of camping out to be FIRST!
This goes for phones, cameras, computers, cars. Are some of the newer phones better/packed with more features? Sure, but will I USE those new features? Probably not. I wouldn't have gotten a new phone, just a new phone plan, if Alan's phone wasn't dying. He inherited my S7, I got an S9.
Cameras. Same thing, do some of the newer ones have better features? *SOMETIMES*. I have found that different abilities/features aren't necessarily better, or of any use.
Computers? Doesn't matter what you get/build. It will be 'obsolete' in 3 to 6 months.
Cars? Given regular maintenance, they can last well over a decade. So what it doesn't have the latest GPS or bluetooth.
Software? Sometimes the old adage of "IF it ain't broken, don't fix it" applies. I have on many occasions rolled back to earlier version of certain programs because the older versions work better. (One example, Luminar 3. It was a complete disaster. IMO, they released a beta test, and then when the complaints about it crashing, hardlocking the computer, failing, they blamed the person's computer. Regardless how kick ass of a machine they had).
I have my cameras. They work and I like them. I know most of their workings inside and out. I don't see the need to get the newest version. If anything, I'm thinking of trading in something to get an OLDER camera that will suit my needs.
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